Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 10321-10335 | Article Number: ijese.2016.741
Published Online: November 01, 2016
This article considers the psychotherapeutic parameters of traditional Kazakh music, best practices that were achieved in practical psychology. From the one hand, it allows us to see the music features in a new light, and from the other hand - to identify the ethnic psychology of the Kazakh nation. An important step in the study of the psychotherapeutic nature of the Kazakh traditional music was the analysis of shamans’ syncretic ritual actions. We considered akyn and shaman’s activities as a creative comprehension of the world, which records and reflects the reality, as well as bears creative, form-building beginning, developing and reflecting the variability of culture and the reality mediated by it. We relate to it a healing art that includes psychotechniques of hypnosis, techniques of trance, assumed by baqsy and society as an interaction with spirits. It was found out that musical relaxation had not just an emotional but an intellectual nature. In addition to aesthetic needs, ritual shamanic music ensured a sense of peace, helped to cope with pain and raised above the level of everyday life to the higher spheres.
Keywords: Psychotherapeutic method; national music; shamanistic ritual; ethnos; kui music
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