Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 10071-10080 | Article Number: ijese.2016.720
Published Online: November 03, 2016
The paper analyzes the role of art in the process of upbringing of the rising generation. Revealing the specific nature of mechanisms of artistic images influencing the personality of an individual perceiving a work of art has brought about the analysis of the nature of symbols creation, thus giving grounds for the use of semiotic approach to the artistic idiom. The methodology of the study involves the systemic approach that allows considering art as a hierarchic system. The ethic trend of art has resulted in using the axiological approach to art which helps understanding the specific character of the value component of human relationships and leads to realizing that personality is a top value. The distinction of the study lies in updating the existing methodology of pedagogical science, which fulfills the need of upgrading the technology of artistic and pedagogical analysis and promotes understanding the concealed author's meanings built in into the image system of the art work allowing one to view the dynamics of the nature of human relationships captured in art by symbolic means. It has been determined that perception of art implies empathy for the character of the art work, interiorizing the social experience contained in art, adjusting the personal meanings up to the author's idea. It is proven that understanding and accepting "another" person in art promotes transferring the universal experience of human relationships into the daily life of the rising generation.
Keywords: Artistic idiom, character education, action mechanism of art, artistic analysis, pedagogical analysis
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