Special Issue - (2016)
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Special Issue - (2012)
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Financial Literacy: Study of a University Students SampleFernando Oliveira Tavares, Luís Gomes Almeida, & Maria Nascimento Cunha
pp. 499-510 | Article Number: ijese.2019.042
Abstract This article aims to study the level of financial literacy of a sample of University students in the metropolitan area of Porto, in Portugal. The research method used is quantitative and exploratory, demanding an inquiry made to the population under study. The literature review is based on financial literacy field studies. It was found that almost half of young people between 18 and 24 years ignore the household income, but the majority (62.0%) has an opened account at the Bank. It was concluded that the students in this sample had meager knowledge of finance, not coming to recognize the Euribor as the interest reference rate in the Euro zone. The University students have a low knowledge about the commission’s banks charge for bank accounts and only around 20.0% know the exact amount are charged. Although the vast majority considers very important financial planning (66.8%), it was found that young people chooses not to make investments, opting to keep the money in the checking account. Keywords: financial literacy, financial education, financial literacy, financial decisions, financial wellness References Abreu, M., & Mendes, V. (2010) Financial Literacy and Portfolio Diversification. Quantitative Finance, 10, 515-528. https://doi.org/10.1080/14697680902878105 Agarwal, S., Amromin, G., Ben-David, I., Chomsisengphet, S., & Evanoff, D. (2015). Financial literacy and financial planning: Evidence from India. Journal of Housing Economics, 27, 4-21. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhe.2015.02.003 Allgood, S., & Walstad, W. (2016). The effects of perceived and actual financial literacy on financial behaviors. Economic inquiry, 54(1), 675-697. https://doi.org/10.1111/ecin.12255 Armantier, O., Bruine, W., Topa, G., Van Der Klaauw, W., & Zafar, B. (2015). 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A Model of Environmental Education Competency Development for Teachers in Secondary SchoolsYodsaphon Wanchana, Pram Inprom, Wee Rawang, & Art-ong Jumsai Na Ayudhya
pp. 511-520 | Article Number: ijese.2019.043
Abstract This research was to create a model of environmental education (EE) competency development for teachers in secondary schools, which has been conducted by the multi-research method. The data were collected by questionnaire for the operational teachers in eco-schools, and structured interview for the experts from teacher advisors, and the mentor teachers of the eco-school project, which analyzed by percentage, mean score, standard deviation, weight mean score, and index of congruence. The research findings revealed that most informants were having intermediate level of EE competency in 6 parts: environmental knowledge, fundamental understanding on EE, responsibility on EE teacher actualization, EE planning and operating, promoting of EE learning, and EE evaluation. The EE innovation was created to develop the teachers from various subjects to perform the integrated learning for the student’s environmental actualization before conserving or solving the community environmental problems. This systematically consisted of 5 steps including: analyzing the environmental policy covering national, educational area, and school policies; studying the community environmental problem; designing the environmental learning project; identifying the learning standard; and performing the integrated lesson plan. The innovation efficiency was confirmed both internal and external skills by authentic assessment. Keywords: environmental education, multidisciplinary integrated learning, teacher development References Blishen, E. (1969). This Right Soft Lot. London: Thames & Hudson. Chatzifotiou, A. (2006). Environmental education, national curriculum and primary school teachers. Findings of a research study in England and possible implications upon education for sustainable development. The Curriculum Journal, 17(4), 367-381. https://doi.org/10.1080/09585170601072478 D’Amato, L. G., & Krasny, M. E. (2011). Outdoor Adventure Education: Applying Transformative Learning Theory to Understanding Instrumental Learning and Personal Growth in Environmental Education. The Journal of Environmental Education, 42(4), 237–254. https://doi.org/10.1080/00958964.2011.581313 Dechakup, P., & Yindeesuk, P. (2014). Teaching, writing, integration on the child base is important. Bangkok: Chulalongkorn University. Department of Environmental Quality Promotion. (2015). Access to environmental education for sustainable development. Bangkok: Department of Environmental Quality Promotion. Fogarty, R., & Stoehr, J. (1995). Integrate Curricula with Multiple Intelligences. Illinois: SkyLight Training and Publishing, Inc. Hopkins. (1973). Integration, Its Meaning and Application. New York: Appleton Century Company Inc. Jatuporn, O., & Watthanathorn, A. (2015). Place-Based Education: The Development of Good Citizenship in Youth Based on Community Contexts. Songklanakarin Journal of Social Science and Humanities (SJSH), 21(1), 83-111. Ketlhoilwe, M. J. (2013). Governmentality in environmental education policy discourses: a qualitative study of teachers in Botswana. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 22(4), 291-302. https://doi.org/10.1080/10382046.2013.826545 Ministry of Education. (2008). Core Education Curriculum, Basic Education BE 2551. Bangkok: The Agricultural Cooperative Assembly of Thailand Limited. NAAEE. (n.d.). The Core Competencies for Certification Programs. Retrieved from http://www.naaee.net/files/core_competencies.pdf Porntri, S., & Wattarart, J. (2016). The study of the effects of research-based learning management through Pohpanpunya Project. Journal of Teaching and Learning Development Rangsit University, 10(1), 14-26. Rodsaen, A., Kaew-Urai, V., & Chanbanjong, C. (2016). Development of a model for organizing learning activities together to enhance citizenship teaching ability for basic education teachers. Journal of Education Naresuan University, 18(1), 95-105. Srisaiyapetch, O. (2016). The effect of using guidance activities by project-based learning to develop problem- solving skills of grade 10 students 3 Princess Chulabhorn’s College, Satun Province. Journal of Academic Service, Prince of Songkla University, 27(2), 61-68. |
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An Analogy Activity for Teaching Chemical Reaction and Collision Theory from Perspectives of Pre-Service Science TeachersSevil Kurt
pp. 521-534 | Article Number: ijese.2019.044
Abstract In chemistry, events are explained in three dimensions: microscopic, macroscopic, and symbolic. Achieving a complete understanding of a chemical event requires integrating these three dimensions. Research on the comprehension of chemistry concepts shows that students sometimes fail to use them correctly in explaining chemical events. Students especially have difficulty in understanding and explaining some chemistry topics because of their abstract structures like chemical reactions. This study aims to evaluate an analogy activity developed for teaching chemical reaction and collision theory from the perspectives of pre-service science teachers. To this end, the analogy activity developed on chemical reaction and collision theory was carried out with the 1st grade 42 science students (i.e. pre-service teachers) attending a state university, and their opinions were received. The observation notes taken and the analogy tables filled in by the students were used to evaluate the analogy. In general, the pre-service teachers considered the analogy distinctive, interesting, and amusing relative to other methods and thought that the analogy helped them concretize the concept of chemical reaction, see the events taking place in the reaction process in detail, and provided them with an insight into developing activities and materials of this sort in the future. Keywords: analogy, chemical reaction, collision theory, evaluation, pre-service science teachers References Ahtee, M., & Varjola, I. (1998). Students’ Understanding of Chemical Reaction. International Journal of Science Education, 20(3), 305-316. https://doi.org/10.1080/0950069980200304 Alkan, M., & Benlikaya, R. (2004). Kimyasal Reaksiyon ve Denge Kavramlarının Anlaşılması için Çarpışma Teorisi Gerekli Mi?. VI. Ulusal Fen Bilimleri ve Matematik Eğitimi Kongresi. Eylül, İstanbul, Bildiriler Kitabı. 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The Improvement of Prospective Teachers’ Habits of Mind during the 5E+e Inquiry Learning Program in Horticulture CourseMuhammad Syaipul Hayat, Nuryani Y. Rustaman, Adi Rahmat, & Sri Redjeki
pp. 535-545 | Article Number: ijese.2019.045
Abstract Habits of mind are important things to be equipped to prospective teachers. In order to be able to solve every problem they face, prospective teachers should be used to have self-regulation, critical thinking, and creative thinking. Therefore, to achieve these objectives, appropriate learning experience and strategies are needed. In this article, an entrepreneurship-oriented 5E (Engagement, Explain, Exploration, Elaboration, and Evaluation) inquiry learning program is developed, it is also called 5E+e. The focus of this article is to investigate the improvement of prospective teachers’ Habits of Mind during horticulture course through the 5E+e inquiry learning program. The quasy experiment method was used in this study with one group pretest-posttest design with the involvement of 31 Biology Education students in one teachers Institution in Central Java on their sixth semester who took the horticulture course. Data were collected using questionnaires and observation sheets in the form of a Habits of Mind rubric adapted from the Marzano’s framework. Data were then analyzed in quantitative and in qualitative descriptive manner from various sources, so as to obtain comprehensive conclusions. Research results show an improvement on the average Habits of Mind score of prospective teachers, where the average score collected before the program was given was at 2.68; and the average score after being given the program was at 3.34 of 4.00 scale. The calculated N-gain is 0.31; which is in the moderate category. The data were supported by the results of observations during the learning process which at each stage shows progress, i.e. stage I (3.11), stage II (3.08), stage III (3.39), and stage IV (3.59). Based on the findings, students can cultivate horticultural crops creatively with a variety of planting techniques, critical when observing plant growth and development, and diligent in maintaining a successful crop cultivation project. Thus, it can be concluded that 5E+e inquiry learning program implemented in horticultural course can greatly improve the Habits of Mind of prospective teachers. Keywords: habits of mind, prospective teacher, 5E+e inquiry, horticulture References Bybee, R. W. (2009). The BSCS 5e Instructional Model and 21st Century Skills. Biological Sciences Curriculum Study (BSCS): The National Academies. Consortium for Entrepreneurship Education. (2004). The National Content Standards for Entrepreneurship Education. Retrieved from https://www.entre-ed.org/ Cummins, P., & Kunkel, S. (2015). A Global Examination of Policies and Practices for Life-long learning. 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An Immersive Geoscience Field Course as a Vehicle for Exploring the Nature of ScienceNathan Anderson Quarderer, Ted Neal, John Dunkhase
pp. 547-562 | Article Number: ijese.2019.046
Abstract Preservice science teachers need to be put into situations where their existing conceptions of science, teaching, and learning are challenged in immersive, inquiry-based learning environments, before being asked to create similar spaces in their own classrooms. One approach to meeting this objective is through field-based geoscience courses designed for preservice teachers and education majors. The benefits that these experiences provide for preservice teachers’ self-efficacy, understanding of the nature of science, and science content knowledge are well documented. The study reported on here describes one such geoscience field course tailored for preservice elementary and secondary science instructors, and the impact that experience had on participating students’ ideas about science and teaching. Qualitative methods including In Vivo and emotion coding of transcripts from informal interviews with participants offer a unique opportunity for these preservice teachers’ voices to be heard, in their own words, as they reflect on their week spent in the field, and how that experience informed their conceptions of the nature of science. Findings suggest that the field geology course challenged preservice teachers’ existing epistemologies of science as they demonstrated a new understanding of the empirical, creative, and tentative aspects of scientific knowledge. Discussion of how these findings might be incorporated into the broader collection of science teacher preparation efforts is included. Keywords: geoscience, immersive, field-based, nature of science References Abd-El-Khalick, F., & Lederman, N. G. (2000). Improving science teachers’ conceptions of nature of science: A critical review of the literature. 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The Role of Local Government of Palu City in the Development of Adiwiyata ProgramJuraid Abdul Latief, Baharuddin Hamzah, Asep Mahpudz, & Riady Ibnu Khaldun
pp. 563-569 | Article Number: ijese.2019.047
Abstract The research aims to analyze the efforts of the local government of Palu City in developing Adiwiyata school policies. The results of this study indicate that Adiwiyata is a program that aims to realize school citizens who are responsible for efforts to protect and manage the environment in harmony with the realization of increased awareness of the environment. There are several obstacles in the process of implementing the Adiwiyata program, especially for elementary and junior high schools in the Palu City, such as a number of schools that are unable to participate due to the lack of policy support from the local government, which has an impact on the lack of schools capable and willing to participate in the Adiwiyata program. The local government of Palu City has no policy in supporting each school to participate in the Adiwiyata program. In order to succeed the development of the Adiwiyata program, the role of the local government of the hammer city are: 1) compiling a road map for the development of the Adiwiyata school model in Palu City; 2) building cooperation between related agencies namely education and the Environment; 3) strengthening the institutional structure in each school; 4) providing incentives for schools that have succeeded in getting the Adiwiyata award. Keywords: Adiwiyata School, Palu City government policy, school participation References Ambali, A. R. (2011). Policy of sustainable environment: Malaysian experience. European Journal of Scientific Research. Aprilia, N. (2015). Evaluation of Management of Environmentally Friendly Supporting Facilities at the Adiwiyata Program in Muhammadiyah Junior High Schools in the City. Biology.Umm.Ac.Id. Dasrita, Y., Zulfan, S., Amin, B., & Siregar, Y. I. (2015). Adiwiyata School Student Environmental Awareness. Environmental Dynamics. Elliott, R., & Timulak, L. (2015). Descriptive and interpretive approaches to qualitative research. https://doi.org/10.1093/med:psych/9780198527565.003.0011 Fauzi Setyobudi Saliman. (2018). Environmental education. JIPSINDO. Isnaeni, Y. (2013). Policy Implementation of the School of Environmental Care and Cultured in SMP Negeri 3 Gresik. Journal of Education Policy and Development. Iswari, R. D., & Utomo, S. W. (2017). Evaluation of the Implementation of the Adiwiyata Program to Form Environmental Care Behavior among Students (Case: SMA Negeri 9 Tangerang Selatan and MA Negeri 1 Serpong). Journal of Environmental Sciences. https://doi.org/10.14710/jil.15.1.35-41 Ivankova, N. V., Creswell, J. W., & Stick, S. L. (2006). Using Mixed-Methods Sequential Explanatory Design: From Theory to Practice. Field Methods. https://doi.org/10.1177/1525822X05282260 Maridi, M. (2015). Promoting Local Culture and Wisdom in Soil and Water Conservation Systems. Proceedings of the National Biology Seminar. https://doi.org/10.3390/life2040323 Maxwell, J. A., & Reybold, L. E. (2015). Qualitative Research. In International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences (2nd Ed.). https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-08-097086-8.10558-6 Moen, K., & Middelthon, A. L. (2015). Qualitative Research Methods. In Research in Medical and Biological Sciences: From Planning and Preparation to Grant Application and Publication. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-799943-2.00010-0 Moleong, L. J. (2017). Qualitative Research Methodology (Revised Edition). In PT. Teens Rosda Karya. Morone, P., & Cottoni, L. (2016). Biofuels: Technology, economics, and policy issues. Technology, economics, and policy issues. In Handbook of Biofuels Production: Processes and Technologies (2nd Ed.). https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-08-100455-5.00004-7 Nugroho, H. P., & Puspitasari, D. (2015). Adiwiyata management information system at the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Indonesia. Proceedings of the Polinema Applicative Information Seminar. Nursalam, N. (2018). Forest Resources Conservation Policy in the Context of Sustainable Development. Gea Geography Journal. https://doi.org/10.17509/gea.v10i1.1660 Paparang, O. E. (2017). The Role of School Residents in Implementing the Adiwiyata Program at the 9th High School Lempake Samarinda. State Administration EJournal. Ramdhani, M. A. (2014). Educational Environment in the Implementation of Character Education. Garut University Education Journal. https://doi.org/10.1177/002218568402600108 Selinaswati, S. (2019). Synergy of Character Education and Adiwiyata Schools. ABDI: Journal of Community Service and Empowerment. https://doi.org/10.24036/abdi/vol1-iss1/4 Susilastri, S. D., & Rustaman, N. Y. (2015). Students’ environmental Literacy Profile in School-Based Nature and in Schools that Implement the Adiwiyata Program. National Seminar on Conservation and Utilization of Natural Resources. Williamson, K., Given, L. M., & Scifleet, P. (2017). Qualitative data analysis. In Research Methods: Information, Systems, and Contexts (2nd Ed.). https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-08-102220-7.00019-4 |
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The Development of SSP by Utilizing Nusakambangan Biodiversity based on SETS to Enhance Soft Security and Practical SkillsDadan Rosana, Sukardiyono, & Isna Amanatul Hayati
pp. 571-581 | Article Number: ijese.2019.048
Abstract The purposes of this research are (1) to produce Subject Specific Pedagogic (SSP) for Natural Sciences course by utilizing Nusakambangan biodiversity based on the valid and practical SETS (Science Environment Technology and Society) approach, and (2) to determine the effectiveness of the developed product to improve the students’ soft security and practical skills. This research can be categorized as development research adapting the 4-D model from Thiagarajan. The research procedures consisted of four stages, namely: (1) define (2) design (3) develop, and (4) disseminate. This research was conducted in two classes, the experimental class, and the control class, among the seventh grade students of State Junior High School in the school year of 2018/2019. The instruments for data collection were questionnaire, observation sheets, and pretest-posttest. The qualitative data consisted of input and suggestions from validator, students’ responses, and observations results, while the quantitative data were in the form of soft security questionnaire results and practical skills test scores. The data analysis techniques were in the form of normality test, homogeneity test, gain score and Manova test. The results showed that: (1) The SSP by utilizing Nusakambangan biodiversity based on SETS was declared valid to be used in the learning process that can be categorized as “very feasible”, (3) The developed SSP was effective in enhancing the students’ soft security and practical skills with p value of 0,000 <α 0.05. Keywords: SSP, Nusakambangan, SETS, soft security, practical skills References Aktamis, H., & Ergin, O., (2008). The effect of scientific process skills education on students’ scientific creativity, science attitudes and academic achievements. Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, 9(1), Article 4. Alfian, M. (2013). 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Effects of Climate Change on the Potential of Evapotranspiration in the Singkoyo Watershed, Central Sulawesi, IndonesiaI. Wayan Sutapa, & I. Gede Tunas
pp. 583-590 | Article Number: ijese.2019.049
Abstract Rainfall and ET0 are the two main factors in the tendency of floods or droughts in an area. Considering the impression capabilities of these two factors due to climate change, the aim of this study is to estimate rainfall and ET0 for future periods due to climate change and to evaluate their uncertainty with the potential for high flooding or drought. This research was conducted in the Singkoyo Watershed by conducting field surveys, daily rainfall data collection and climatology data. The analysis carried out in this study, namely: detection of climate change, projections of climate change and potential evapotranspiration. The conclusion of this study is: there has been a climate change in the Singkoyo watershed marked by Z ≠ 0 and occurred extreme monthly and annual rainfall. In general, it can be said that a decrease in potential evapotranspiration on one side will cause an increase in the average monthly rainfall on the other side. In the future it is likely that there will be a trend of increasing monthly and annual rainfall which is quite significant so we need to be aware of the danger of flooding. Therefore, it is necessary to implement climate change adaptation procedures. Keywords: climate change, potential evapotranspiration, Mann Kendall, Sens, Singkoyo Watershed References Abdolhosseini, M., Eslamian, S., & Mousavi, S. F. (2012). Effect of climate change on potential Evapotranspiration: A case study, Gharehsoo sub-basin, Iran. Int. J. Hydrology Science and Technology, 2(4), 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJHST.2012.052373 Aksu, H., Kuşçu, S., & Şimşek, O. (2010). Trend Analysis of Hydrometeorological Parameters in Climate Regions of Turkey. BALWOIS 2010 – Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia. Allen, G. R. (1998). Crop Evapotranspiration-Guidelines for Computing Crop Water Requirement-FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper No. 56. Rome, Food Agriculture Organization of the United Nation, p. chapter 2. Deo, R. C., McAlpines, C. A., Syktus, J., McGowan, H. A., & Phinn, S. (2005). On Australian Heat Waves: Time Series Analysis of Extreme Temperature Event in Australia, 1950-2005, Centre for Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences School of Geography, Planning and Architecture The University of Queensland, Brisbane 4072 Australia: Climate Change Centre of Excellence Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Water 80 Meiers Rd, Indooroopilly 4068, Australia. Mulyono, D. (2014). Analysis of Rain Characteristics in South Garut Regency. Journal of Construction, 13(1), 1-9. Solihin Ansari, A., Sutapa, I. W., & Galib Ishak, M. (2017). Model Hydrology MockWyn-UB to Analyse Water Availability in Gumbasa Watershed Central Sulawesi Province. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application, 7(1), 94-101. https://doi.org/10.9790/9622-07010394101 Sutapa, I. W. (2014). Application Model Mann-Kendall and Sen’S (Make sens) for Detecting Climate Change. Infrastructure J. Civil Eng. Univ. Tadulako., 4, 31-40. Sutapa, I. W. (2015a). Study Water Availability of Malino River to Meet the Need of Water Requirement in District Ongka Malino, Central Sulawesi of Indonesia’. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(3), 1069-1075. Sutapa, I. W. (2015b). Modeling Discharge of Bangga Watershed under Climate Change. Applied Mechanics and Materials J., 776, 133-138. https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.776.133 Sutapa, I. W. (2015c). Long-Term Trend Climatology in Sigi, Central Sulawesi province’, National Seminar on Civil Engineering Narotama of University, February 28, 2015, Surabaya. pp. 267-277. Sutapa, I. W. (2017). Effect of Climate Change on Recharging Groundwater in Bangga Watershed, Central Sulawesi of Indonesia. Environ. Eng. Res. J., 22(1), 87-94. https://doi.org/10.4491/eer.2015.127 Sutapa, I. W., & Galib, I. M. (2017). Application of non-parametric test to detect trend rainfall in Palu Watershed, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Int. J. Hydrology Science and Technology, 6(3), 238-253. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJHST.2016.077399 Sutapa, I. W., Moh. Bisri, Rispiningtati, & Montarcih, L. (2013). Effect of Climate Change on Water Availability of Bangga River, Central Sulawesi of Indonesia. J. Basic. Appl. Sci. Res., 3(2), 1051-1058. Timo, S., Anu, M., Pia, A., Tuija, R. A., & Toni, A. (2002). Detecting Trends of Annual Values of Atmospheric Pollutants by the Mann-Kendall Test and Sen’s Slope Estimates, Finnish Meteorological Institute. Helsinki. Firland. Usman. (2004). Sensitivity Analysis of Several Methods for Estimating Potential Evapotranspiration to Climate Change. Journal Natur Indonesia, 6(2), 91-98. |
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Retraction Notice: The Consumer Interpretation of Social Networks Publications: A Case Study about Luxury Fashion Brands in PortugalMaria Nascimento Cunha, José Magano, & Sunday Alisigwe
pp. 591-591 | Article Number: ijese.2019.050
Abstract The following article is retracted by request and approval of all authors: Cunha, M., Magano, J. and Alisigwe, S. (2019). The Consumer Interpretation of Social Networks Publications: A Case Study about Luxury Fashion Brands in Portugal. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 14(8), pp. 455-468. http://www.ijese.net/makale/2136 Keywords: - References |
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