Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 5789-5796 | Article Number: ijese.2016.428
Published Online: August 16, 2016
Gender approach in education is a specific impact on the development of boys and girls by the set of factors of education and training process. The objective of this research is the reasoning of applying gender approach at physical culture lessons and creating comfortable environment taking into account the psychophysiological differences of the pupils. For the implementation of the said objective, pedagogical and educational tasks were assigned to be solved using various means and methods. The study of the dynamics of physical activity and physical health development is monitored via testing techniques. The obtained data are processed using mathematical statistics methods. Also, interviews and questionnaires were used to identify the issues arising in co-education classes. The level of training program acquisition was identified using the expert assessment method. The analysis of the obtained data makes it possible to conclude that there is an urgent need for separate training of 10-15 year old boys and girls at physical culture lessons as their periods of physiological and physical maturity do not coincide. Gender approach strategy allows various gender pupils to realize their potential in creative cognition, relying on their abilities, inclinations and value orientations, not only at physical culture lessons but in various educational activities.
Keywords: gender approach, lesson, separate education
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