Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 5718-5727 | Article Number: ijese.2016.423
Published Online: August 13, 2016
The purpose of this study is to develop scientific literacy evaluation instrument that tested its validity, reliability, and characteristics to measure the skill of student’s scientific literacy used four scientific literacy, categories as follow:science as a body of knowledge (category A), science as a way of thinking (category B), science as a way of investigating (category C), and the interaction between science, technology, and society (category D). The subjects of this developing study were 9th grade student of junior high schoolin Kudus. Validity test is done by the content, construct, and concurrent validation. Reliability testing is done by calculating a reliability coefficient “r”. Characteristics tested by determining the level of difficulty, distinguishing features, and the proportion or ratio of scientific literacy category in the instrument. Profile of scientific literacy ability is determined by measuring students' mastery of scientific literacy. The result of reliability test is the price of“r” at first trial is 0.59 and the last trial is 0.74. Validity test results indicate that the instrument meets the content, construct, and concurrent validity with valid, very valid, and valid category. Characteristics of evaluation instruments developed shows that the instrument has a level of difficulty that the proportion of about 13% easy, 67% about the medium, and 20% about the difficult. The results of the analysis of discrimination power combined with a level of difficulty and obtained 5 items with poor quality and should be discarded. Comparison category A: B: C: D is 7: 2: 3: 3. Profile of literacy skills mastery of science shows that scientific literacy is still low at below 50% for all categories. Evaluation instruments developed meet the content validity, construct, and alignment with valid, very valid, and valid criteria
Keywords: Evaluation instrument, scientific literacy, skill of scientific literacy
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