Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 5676-5686 | Article Number: ijese.2016.419
Published Online: August 13, 2016
The main objective of this research was to develop discovery inquiry (DI) learning model to reduce the misconceptions of Science student level of secondary school that is valid, practical, and effective. This research was an R&D (research and development). The trials of discovery inquiry (DI) learning model were carried out in two different classes in SMPN 2 Maros, South Sulawesi. The results of the study after two trials showed that the discovery inquiry (DI) learning model have been valid, practical, and effective. The discovery inquiry (DI) learning model is stated to be valid because the assessment of all learning components conducted by validator meets the elements of validity. It is stated to be practical because the discovery inquiry (DI) learning component is fully implemented, and the ability of teachers to manage learning is at the high category. It is stated to be effective because the misconceptions of Science student are in the medium category. The activities of students in learning are fulfilled the ideal time achievement, and the results of the students’ questionnaire give the positive respond to discovery inquiry (DI) learning. It is concluded that the discovery inquiry (DI) learning model to reduce the misconception of Science students meets the criteria of valid, practical, and effective.
Keywords: Discovery inquiry, misconceptions of science, learning model
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