Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 5619-5632 | Article Number: ijese.2016.414
Published Online: August 13, 2016
This qualitative study analyzes the results of a pedagogical and didactic experiment which was focused on the problem of teaching environmentally-friendly behaviours to young kindergarten children. It is essential to awaken children's curiosity and desire to know more about environmental issues in their regions so that children develop their own answers to problems. Our research focus was to understand the potential of practical-experimental activities connected to ecology, in a relaxed and entertaining learning context, promotes the learning of environmentally-friendly behaviours.
The analysis of the results obtained in the pedagogical and didactic experiment was based on the following categories: (a) teaching and learning methodology and teaching resources; (b) children perceptions. The findings revealed that the built teaching resources have enabled these children to understand the importance of having environmentally-friendly behaviours.
Keywords: Environmentally-friendly behaviours, Practical-experimental activities, Preschool children, kindergarten educator training
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