Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 5349-5366 | Article Number: ijese.2016.398
Published Online: August 12, 2016
This study determined the contribution of predictor factors (i.e. knowledge about the environment as well as internal and environmental factors) on environmental care behaviour among aboriginal students. The knowledge about the environment that was investigated in this research includes environmental knowledge and environmental action knowledge. The internal factors include elements of attitude, personal responsibility, and beliefs, while the elements of environment factors are social influences, information resources, and environmental management facilities. In addition, this study used an environmental knowledge test and questionnaire as research instruments. A total of 445 aboriginal students from the Malaysian state of Pahang were involved in this research. The research data were analysed using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). The research findings showed that the predictor factors (knowledge, attitude, personal responsibility, beliefs, social influences, information resources, and environmental management facilities) contributed 44% towards environmental care behaviour. In fact, the factors that contributed most to environmental behaviour were social influences and beliefs, followed by environmental management facilities, attitude, and personal responsibility. Nonetheless, knowledge concerning the environment did not contribute towards behaviour, but it influenced attitude, which in turn affected behaviour. Hence, the factors that have been identified to contribute to environmental care behaviour should be considered in planning educational development for the aboriginal community in order to achieve environmental sustainability.
Keywords: Environmental education, environmental behavior and aboriginal environmental knowledge
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