Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 2647-2658 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.713a | Article Number: ijese.2016.211
Published Online: June 23, 2016
Integrative model of special translation training considers the understanding of a foreign text as the key stage of the given activity, which is to large extent stipulated by characteristics of both the source text sender and the translation text recipient. Interdisciplinary approach permitted to involve maximum number of determining factors to consider the given characteristics. Such a possibility is given by information-reference search and analysis of utterance from discursive positions, i.e. considering the specificity of science and technique institute, professional communication, variety of text genres, stipulated by communicative function and aims of communication, characteristics of sender and recipient utterance, socio-cultural factors that influence a special discourse creation, general regularities of its creation, stylistic characteristics, the basic methods of their realization etc. Inclusion of the given characteristics into the content of translation training permits to teach students to go beyond the frameworks of the text being analyzed and to involve maximum number of factors that stipulate the understanding and interpreting of the source text aimed at its further translation.
Keywords: Special translation, the sender and the recipient, special discourse, specialized culture, professional field of communication
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