Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 2567-2581 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.707a | Article Number: ijese.2016.205
Published Online: June 23, 2016
The present rapid technological progress and the post-crisis period determine the increasing demand for revision of existing concepts and strategies aimed at maintaining global development. This article describes pedagogical technologies, indicates the need to reform the outdated education systems or to reject them completely in order to improve productivity of students. The authors provided a comparative analysis of pedagogical technologies used in higher educational institutions, their strengths, weaknesses and development prospects. The study considered the approaches suggested by domestic and foreign researchers, clarified definitions, classification, typology, as well as specific features and setbacks of pedagogical technologies. The authors developed a training system, which implies direct involvement of each student into the learning process. The study specified the purpose of learning, which implied development of student creative abilities to get new experience. The authors proposed substitution of "authoritarian" relations between the student and the teacher for "partnerships" that could improve their relationship, mutual understanding and general efficiency. Comparison of pedagogical technologies provides their detailed description, the ability to select the most appropriate methods and approaches based on the requirements of relevant disciplines that will meet the highest quality standards for students and teachers.
Keywords: Pedagogical technology, higher educational institution, comparative review, teaching and learning process, teaching experience
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