Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 543-551 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2015.268a | Article Number: ijese.2015.015
Published Online: July 15, 2015
The thematic justification is due to the fact that the problem of inclusive education implementation in the modern period is very popular and requires close examination. Object of the article is to determine the conditions of formation of social successfulness of students with disabilities in the system of continuous inclusive education on the basis of value approach. Basic methods of research are the study of research and methodological materials and regulatory documentation, analysis and synthesis, interpretation of findings; main research approach is axiological value approach implementable based on the principles of continuity, consistency and purposefulness. The study revealed and tested the conditions of formation of social successfulness of students with disabilities on the basis of value approach: ensuring the continuity of formation of social successfulness of persons with disabilities within the multilevel system of inclusive education “family – preschool education – general education – additional education of children – secondary professional education – higher professional education – further professional education”; creation of the system of continuous inclusive education taking into account the peculiarities of the medical and social models of disability in students; organized work of a teacher with the use of special methods and means of education that correspond to the individual peculiarities of students with disabilities; activities of an educational organization related to the creation of special conditions for training and education of students and ensuring the mutual understanding between the subjects of educational process; focused training of future and practicing teachers for fork with students with disabilities in the mode of inclusion implementation. Materials of the article can be useful for teachers of the system of training and further training of pedagogical personnel and provide the basis for the Concepts on implementation of inclusion in multilevel and continuous educational system of Bashkortostan.
Keywords: socialization, conditions of formation of social successfulness, students with disabilities, system of continuous inclusive education, value approach
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