Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 1105-1116 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.380a | Article Number: ijese.2016.105
Published Online: April 28, 2016
School anxiety is one of the main problems faced by teachers and school counselors. This problem attracts special attention for teachers - practitioners, as it is a clear sign of school maladaptation in children, which adversely affects all spheres of their life: not only the studies but also communication, both inside and outside the school, health and general level of mental development and psychological well-being. The article reveals the essence, the reasons, factors, features of school anxiety displays in adolescence. It also analyzes the methods and forms of school anxiety correction in teenagers by means of mandala art therapy in extracurricular activities. The study determined pedagogical conditions of school anxiety correction in adolescents: conducting diagnostics to identify school anxiety in adolescents; development and implementation of a comprehensive correction program "Magic Power of a Circle" by means of mandala art therapy. The study led to the conclusion that the approved comprehensive program applying mandala art therapy methods is an effective means of school anxiety correction in adolescents.
Keywords: art therapy, extracurricular activities, mandala art therapy, anxiety, anxiety disorder, adolescents, correction, school anxiety
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