Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 469-477 | Article Number: ijese.2019.039
Published Online: September 30, 2019
It is important to identify the characteristics of questions in learning activities so teachers understand the material mastery level of students. The study aimed at documenting the patterns and types of questions in genetic lecture using RQA (Reading, Questioning, Answering) learning. The data were collected by documenting all the questions during the learning process, and the sentence structures were analyzed referring to the guide of Krathwohl as the revision form of the Bloom guide. The findings of the study showed that the patterns of questions were not always similar to the questioning skill theory due to the linguistic structure and the understanding in communication during the learning interaction. The most types of questions occurred were understand as much as 40.3% related to cognitive dimension, conceptual as much as 41.1% related to knowledge dimension, and classify as much as 23.4% related to the cross section between cognitive and knowledge dimension. These results are important for the evaluation based of the learning achievements.
Keywords: cognitive dimension, genetic learning, knowledge dimension, question distribution, RQA learning model
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