Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 95-102 | Article Number: ijese.2019.008
Published Online: April 09, 2019
In-service science teachers’ dimensions of prior knowledge about the physical properties of gases were studied using concept maps. Thirty science teachers, who were enrolled to a summer in-service undergraduate program in a university in Ethiopia, were guided to draw concept maps of the macroscopic and microscopic properties of gases. Qualitative framework thematic analysis method was used to analyse the concept maps. The analysis method utilized the ‘revised taxonomy for structure of the knowledge dimension’ to classify the themes. The results revealed three dimensions of knowledge with their related percentage extensiveness - factual (43%), hierarchical conceptual (16%) and relational conceptual (22%). The results also showed a dimension of misconceptions (19%) about the physical properties of gases. It was shown that the in-service science teachers’ knowledge of gases was predominantly factual rather than conceptual, and that they also held misconceptions which needed to be corrected. The concept maps were found to be valuable in identifying the factual and conceptual knowledge as well as misconceptions. It is recommended that science teachers should develop their conceptual knowledge and minimize their misconceptions not to confuse students during their teaching in school. This method of identifying learners’ dimensions of knowledge can be applied to any knowledge content area in science education to facilitate and support learning.
Keywords: concept maps, knowledge dimension, prior knowledge, misconception, science teachers
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