Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 903-921 | Article Number: ijese.2018.079
Published Online: December 26, 2018
Prior research suggests skill-based and social benefits for American K-12 students who engage in project-based learning (PBL) and global collaboration projects (GCPs) in the classroom. Yet, little is known how both PBL and GCP combined may improve student achievement, especially in the sciences. This quasi-experimental, explanatory sequential mixed-methods study examined the impact of students’ participation in a Global Collaboration PBL (GCPBL) in Advanced Placement Environmental Science (APES) on student achievement. Using a nonequivalent, two-group, pre-test and post-test design, purposefully selected APES classes used a common 3-month PBL (intervention) on global food supply and world hunger environmental science content based upon the APES standards. PBL assessment included a pretest and posttest and a group poster to convey information learned on the APES topic. Treatment classrooms participated in a GCPBL with classrooms in Mexico, whereas control classrooms engaged in the same PBL, but without any globally collaboration. While no significant differences in achievement were evidenced by pre- and post-test scores and PBL products (posters) between control (PBL) and treatment (GCPBL) classrooms, all students scored significantly higher on the post-test than pre-test, and control classrooms had slightly larger gains. Findings suggest further considerations are warranted about the potential of GCPBL in environmental science learning.
Keywords: academic achievement, advanced placement, environmental science, global collaborations, project based learning
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