Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 1003-1010 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.509a | Article Number: ijese.2016.079
Published Online: April 29, 2016
In the article, the problem of correspondence of educational standards of higher pedagogical education and teacher professional standards in Russia is actualized. Modern understanding of the quality of vocational education suggests that in the process of education the student develops a set of competencies that will enable him or her to carry out successfully professional activities. As a part of the study of correspondence of educational and professional standards through questionnaires, the representation of employers (heads of educational institutions) about the preparedness of young teachers to the professional activity was studied. The paper presents the analysis of the results of empirical research conducted in two regions of Russia, the problem areas of teacher training are identified, which include deficits in the subject training, in skills of building interaction with the participants in the educational process, deficiencies in required professional motivation and general culture, in communication and IT skills, social infantilism.
Keywords: educational standard, professional standard, higher education, correspondence, teacher training
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