Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 805-816 | Article Number: ijese.2018.071
Published Online: December 10, 2018
The role of mass media in the educational process is of particular importance, since mass media make the object of teaching more interesting and enjoyable. The use of media in education is recognized from early childhood, and especially at kindergarten, where it has been proven that the earlier the use of media begins, the more effective it turns out to be. The relationship that evolves between the media, environmental knowledge and the environmental awareness of teachers is characterized by a continuous state of interdependence, since it is linked to Environmental Communication and the effective role of education. The aim of this paper is to examine the teachers’ satisfaction with the use and role of media in environmental communication. The paper analyses the satisfaction of teachers in primary education, through their attitudes and beliefs. By having a large volume of information related to their individual cognitive fields at their disposal, teachers can play a vital role in raising environmental awareness among students and in providing an elementary understanding of environmental problems. This paper is based on a survey conducted during the period 2014-2015, on a sample of 392 primary education teachers, working at various school units in Central Macedonia, Greece. Based on the results of the analysis, conclusions can be drawn with regard to defining a suitable educational policy related to the role of media, and their optimum use in environmental education and communication.
Keywords: primary education, teacher’s behavior, descriptive statistical analysis
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