Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 689-701 | Article Number: ijese.2018.061
Published Online: October 28, 2018
Introductory Oceanography in the Earth and Environmental Science Department at the University of Pennsylvania has moved from a traditional lecture-based course to a Structured Active In-class Learning (SAIL) model, where students individually acquire the basics of the material before class, and in-class activities are designed to help students reach the higher order learning objectives through collaborative exercises. In implementing tools such as online modules, data-driven, quantitative in-class activities, pre- and post-lecture exercises, reflective writing assignments, and peer review, we aim to increase the science literacy of the student population, enhance their critical thinking skills, and correct common scientific misconceptions. This course is the product of three years of refinement via an annual SAIL university seminar with other faculty, the National Association of Geoscience Teachers Introductory Course Workshop at the 2014 American Geophysical Union conference, and surveys conducted by the University of Pennsylvania’s Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL). While implementing active learning techniques with college students is not without complications, in this case study we explore how a SAIL course that utilizes technology to flexibly and creatively account for class size and STEM experience can foster an inquisitive classroom dynamic and knowledge acquisition, particularly as it relates to science literacy and increased interest in earth and environmental science. Results from pre- and post-instruction surveys, course reviews and student performance indices illustrate this objective. In addition to a summary of our assessment, readers will see examples of student exercises focused on ocean renewable energy and seafloor spreading that help students to understand fundamental concepts of plate tectonics, ocean tides and waves. Readers will also gain insight into the design and implementation of innovative teaching tools in introductory earth and environmental science courses.
Keywords: active learning, curriculum innovation, renewable energy, introductory STEM education, scientific literacy
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