Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 647-660 | Article Number: ijese.2018.057
Published Online: September 15, 2018
To date research on content and language integrated learning (CLIL) in scientific out-of-school programmes has been seldom been carried out (Rodenhauser & Preisfeld, 2015). The programme in question aims to provide learners with both, authentic scientific education and subject-related learning in the school language German and the first foreign language, English, to prepare for vocational and university training. With a longitudinal, quantitative, quasi-experimental design, the present study has explored to what extent teaching Biology in a CLIL intervention with English as the foreign language affects the acquisition of scientific knowledge and two experimentation-related ability self-concepts. For the investigation of this question, a pre-post-follow-up-design has been conducted with 170 senior students being taught CLIL in English and a control group of 48 students being instructed in German. From the pre test, self-assessments of affective data were employed to subgroup as primarily interested in sciences (scientists), as primarily interested in foreign languages (language lovers) and as interested in both (all-rounders). Regarding the cognitive knowledge, both, significant short-term and long-term increases were measured. Furthermore, cognitive acquisition proved to be independent of the treatment as well as of preference subgroups. For the ability self-concepts, however, group-depending differences were identified. While in the ability self-concept on experimenting a homogeneous, both, treatment- and preference group-independent short-term rise was registered, for the ability self-concept on interpreting data a treatment-dependent, group-independent, short-term decrease was observed. As to the cognitive gain and the development of self-concepts observed in this study, practical experimentation combined to a CLIL format can be assumed to be beneficial to heterogeneous learner groups.
Keywords: CLIL, experimenting, academic achievement, academic self-concepts, interpreting data, competence in experimenting, scientific literacy, out-of-school scientific programme, bilingual education
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