Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 631-645 | Article Number: ijese.2018.056
Published Online: September 14, 2018
In a prior study, we developed a learning progression (LP) for systemic reasoning in ecosystems at the early elementary level (Hokayem & Gotwals, 2016). The LP captures increasingly sophisticated reasoning patterns used by first through fourth graders to explain interdependent relationships in ecosystems. The present study investigates students’ background knowledge—the knowledge sources that students use to develop the reasoning patterns on the different levels of the LP. In particular, we explored where and how students acquired their ideas about interdependent relationships in ecosystems in light of their learning progression levels. We collected two data sets, using a “purposive sampling” method: 1) student interviews, and 2) parent interviews. Forty-four first to fourth graders participated in a student interview to talk about where they have gained information to explain questions about interdependent relationships in ecosystems. Eight student parents, whose children were involved in the student interview, participated in a parent interview to explain their children’s informal experiences at home. The results showed that the media, followed by books, personal experiences and parental involvement, were the most common knowledge sources for early elementary students. More importantly, students who frequently drew upon out-of-school knowledge sources tended to demonstrate understanding represented by the higher levels of the LP. We discuss the implications of those results for learning progression research and for curriculum and instruction.
Keywords: ecosystems, knowledge sources, learning progressions, lower elementary students
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