Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 501-509 | Article Number: ijese.2018.044
Published Online: August 09, 2018
This study is a comparative analysis of data from several studies on the soft skills for students of polytechnic education. This research used qualitative analysis with grounded research method. The research findings Sharma (2009) identify and select seven soft skills i.e. communication skills, thinking skills and problem solving skills, team work force, life-long learning and information management, entrepreuner skills, ethics, moral and profesionalism, and leadership skills to be applied in all institutions of higher education. In IQF (2012) for Diploma III and IV can be summarized their six soft skills. Measuring instrument ever developed, namely Soft Competency Scale-Self Administrated Questionnaire (SCS-SAQ) 2015 and is used to measure the index of polytechnic students soft skills contains eight soft skills. While the 8 research on the needs of soft skills in the workplace is obtained compilation of soft skills based on similar into 15 soft skills. On the other hand to build a model of competence in the organization/company, LOMA’S Competency Dictionary provides a selection of covers 14 generic competencies and 46 specific competencies. Through analytical methods grounded research, we concluded that the soft skills for polytechnic students in higher education required the existence of 12 soft skills, i.e. commitment, communication skill, detail orientation, entrepreuner skill, flexibility, integrity, leadership, lifelong learning, motivation, relationship building, self confidence, and thinking skills.
Keywords: soft skills, polytechnic students, comparative analysis, grounded research, higher education, workplace
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