Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 329-341 | Article Number: ijese.2018.028
Published Online: June 26, 2018
The article presents an investigation that sought to determine the perception of undergraduate university students, about an xMOOC entitled “The great discovery – El gran hallazgo”, which was designed with the objective of contributing to the formation of the informational dimension (search, localization and access, identification and use of information) within the framework of a mandatory subject of La Sabana University, 308 students from the 9 faculties participated in this study. Methodologically it was chosen a descriptive scope framed in a non-experimental design, under a quantitative approach. There were also established as categories of analysis: The information management, utility, learning experience and motivation. This study concluded that the xMOOC supported learning, increased understanding in aspects of the information dimension, highlighting the utility of the xMOOC; although it is to mention that there was a low perception towards the motivation of using it.
Keywords: digital competence, massive open online courses, information literacy, higher education
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