Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 915-922 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.360a | Article Number: ijese.2016.071
Published Online: April 26, 2016
One of the priorities of the implementation of inclusive education in Russia is not only a successful socialization of persons with disabilities, but also their effective learning. In this paper we have considered one of the categories of persons with disabilities – that is children with ADHD with speech disorders. The reference to this problem is due to emerging challenges in the learning process of this category of children in educational institutions. They belong to the risk group as for the possibility of their difficulties in writing when in the learning process at educational institutions. The analysis of investigations allowed revealing the contradictions between the need to implement actual courses of innovative development for educational institutions, which are the drive lines developing innovative approaches and practical measures for the implementation of inclusive education, and their underdevelopment. Secondly, there is the contradiction between the need for innovating the content of not only educational process as such, but also of the correctional and developmental education of persons with disabilities. Thirdly, the role of alternative forms of inclusive education has not been studied, neither of the special services and centers in the implementation of psycho-pedagogical support of persons with disabilities.
Keywords: emotional intelligence, emotional quotient, academic success, second language learning, career development
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