Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 1945-1958 | Article Number: ijese.2017.128
Published Online: October 31, 2017
Applied e-learning model in science class attended by special need students (physical disability) is an innovation, new creation, and new reflection in instruction natural science. This research aims to know the effectivity of model applied e-learning, based on the domain used in learning process. It also analyzes the need, the input characteristic of Special Need Students-Physical Disability. The subject of this study are the students of special senior high school. The result of this research shows that (1) implementing e-learning model in Science class for special need students can increase learning motivation of special need students, and (2) implementing e-learning model in Science class can increase learning achievement of special need students.
Keywords: e-learning, science class, blended learning, physical disability, special school
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