Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 1925-1930 | Article Number: ijese.2017.126
Published Online: October 31, 2017
This paper aims to analyze the importance of the acquisition of scientific capacities in primary education within the framework of the key competences highlighting the contribution of this to the development of the scientific culture of society hence the importance of aspects that are to be dealt with in this paper. After carrying out a review of the main difficulties for the understanding of the curricular contents included in the area of the experimental sciences we will focus on the methodology by inquiry as a proposal of work in the classroom to finish with a series of pedagogical guidelines to have in that they facilitate the teaching and learning process of the experimental sciences in primary education.
Keywords: Scientific literacy; Experimental sciences; Primary education; Key competences; methodology by inquiry; pedagogical guidelines; scientific culture
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