Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 1789-1796 | Article Number: ijese.2017.117
Published Online: October 21, 2017
Student learning in environmental health sciences involves, in part, investigating life choices that are "eco-friendly" and less damaging to the environment and public health/wellness than traditional choices. Presented here is a wiki assignment that can be used in small (20 students) to large (80+ students) classrooms to 1) have students investigate eco-friendly alternatives relevant to undergraduates and those about to be independent and enter the work force 2) evaluate the environmental impact of eco-friendly alternatives and 3) clarify the availability of these options. Surveys found that 48% of students identified a post on the site that will direct their behavior.
Keywords: wiki, environmental stewardship, environmental impact, undergraduate assignment, low stakes
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