Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 1553-1565 | Article Number: ijese.2017.099
Published Online: August 11, 2017
This study aims to describe the comparison of students male and female primary school students reasoning problems in solving fractional problems. This research includes explorative research with qualitative approach which reveal the symptoms that occur in the subject of research. The results of the study showed that female students in solving the problem of fractions presented the mathematical statement orally by looking at the word or phrase that existed on the problem, connecting the facts in Known problems with the questions asked; Create a solution plan by looking at the key words in the problem; Complete the multiplication of fractions by the technique of crossing out and using the formula; Re-examine the results of the solution by doing mental calculations, rework the problem in the same way. Students believe the result is correct because the result must be the same, there is no other way. A male student in solving a fractional problem presents an oral mathematical statement by looking at the word or phrase that exists in the problem, linking the facts in the problem of what is known to the question; Make a plan of solution by paying full attention to the meaning of the sentence, by experimenting in order that the results are not negative; Complete the multiplication of fractions by the technique of crossing out and using the formula; Re-examine the results by doing mental calculations, recalculating.
Keywords: Fractional Problems, Reasoning, Elementary School Students
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