Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 629-641 | Article Number: ijese.2017.042
Published Online: May 28, 2017
Entrepreneurship learning and training are tedious and rising educated unemployment of higher education graduates. For this reason, an alternative solution is done by higher education through Science and Technology Program for Entrepreneurship. This research aims to explore and describe the correlation analysis between entrepreneurial potential with the personality of students in science and technology for the implementation of entrepreneurship in higher education. The correlation analysis is to obtain preliminary information about the correlation between personality qualities and entrepreneurial potential of students involved in the implementation of science and technology for entrepreneurship in higher education. The research method used was quantitative research which was conducted through questionnaire distributed to 46 students in higher education in order to obtain information about the potential of entrepreneurship and personality of each student after the questionnaire being validated and normal. Next, the data were tabulated and then being analyzed to see the correlation between both variables by using software SPSS V.20. The result of correlation analysis showed 0.589 which meant a positive and significant relationship between personality variables with entrepreneurial potential variables, both at the level of 0.05 and at the level of 0.01, as well as the strength of the correlation is at a medium level. This meant that if an individual's personality is better or in other word is very strong, the entrepreneurial potential will also be very strong. Thus, the implementation of science and technology for entrepreneurship undertaken will provide maximum results towards the entrepreneurial spirit of students in higher education. Besides that, the implementation of science and technology activities for entrepreneurship students are expected to push the unemployment rate of educated, so the students who graduate from college can develop entrepreneurship potential through their own business and able to create job vacancies.
Keywords: Entrepreneurship Potential, personality, Science and Technology for Entrepreneurship
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