Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 279-289 | Article Number: ijese.2017.014
Published Online: April 29, 2017
While risk and uncertainty in business environments are decreasing because of uncertain economic situation, effects of organizational crisis become stronger. Nowadays, all companies and organization are under the influence of big and small crises and the only way to predict and rescue organizations from these crises is using knowledge. If the knowledge got transferred to persons who need, risk of organizational crises can be decreased. Knowledge, as the most important source, provides an appropriate opportunity for organization to resist against crises. This matter needs some situations in order that knowledge spreads out between all staff and all who want. This research is about discovering channels of knowledge transfer. This research was done by extensive library studies and other resources and opinions of staff via interview and questionnaire and then collected data analyzed by the software SPSS, binomial tests and Friedman variance analysis. Research results show that the most important channels of knowledge transfer in order of preference are: documentation, information and communication infrastructure, advice using system, leadership, teamwork, job rotation.
Keywords: organizational crisis, knowledge transfer, knowledge transfer channels, crisis management
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