Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 143-175 | Article Number: ijese.2017.006
Published Online: February 01, 2017
The present study is a descriptive research in the scanning model. In the present study is research conducted to determine five to six-year-old children’s knowledge of science content, study group constitutes of 360 children attending preschool educational institutions in Burdur city center and their parents and teachers. In the study, Science Content Standards Scale (SCSS) Trial Form developed by Taştepe (2012) was used. SCSS consists of a total 31 items and three subscales including Life Science, Physical Sciences, Earth and Space Sciences processing areas. SCSS-Trial Form was filled at the end of May 2015 by group teachers giving children training throughout the whole academic year. Group score differences were analyzed with one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) technique. Difference among groups is tested using Scheffe and Tamhane techniques. While statistically significant differences are observed among children’s scores obtained from SCSS total and sub-dimensions according to age and duration of preschool education, and all sub-dimensions as per number of siblings, there are not any statistically significant differences among children’s scores total and sub-dimension according to gender and mothers and fathers’ age. While difference among children’s scores obtained from physical sciences, earth and space sciences is observed in favor of firstborn, no differences in life sciences and total score are not determined. There is a statistically significant difference between children’s scores in physical and life sciences sub-dimensions as per mothers and father’ status of education, and physical sciences sub-dimensions as per mothers’ occupational group but there are not any significant differences determined in as per father’ occupational group.
Keywords: Preschool, kindergarten, science content knowledge, teacher and parents
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