Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 117-142 | Article Number: ijese.2017.005
Published Online: February 01, 2017
Science process skills have provided a valuable chance for everyone to construct their own knowledge by means of scientific inquiry. If students are to understand what science is and how it actually works, then they should necessarily make use of their science process skills as well as scientific content knowledge compulsory to be learned in any science curriculums. As an important schooling item, science curriculums based on scientific literacy have been reoriented at times and aimed at providing students with a deeper understanding of science process skills and make them fully competent to deal with scientific process as far as possible. The present study took its inspiration for examining the role of science curriculum on science process skills from the purpose of investigating learning outcomes in it. The study was conducted in accordance with document analysis of Turkish Secondary School Science Curriculum revised in 2013. The analysis was operated by standards-based assessment of learning outcomes with the help of sentence-based criteria constructed by researchers. The results showed that the representation rate of science process skills for science curriculum varied with grade level and unit. Based on the results, the implications and limitations of the study and the directions for further study were discussed.
Keywords: Science education, science process skills, science curriculum, document analysis
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