Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 461-476 | Article Number: ijese.2010.023
Published Online: October 10, 2010
In the Ontario publically-funded school system, there are no provincial curriculum guidelines or distinct courses for Ecological Literacy. Rather, the Ontario Ministry of Education policy is that “environmental education” should be taught in all grades and all existing subject matter. Because there are no specific Ecological Literacy courses in the provincial curriculum, few programs in Ontario Faculties of Education exist to train teachers in Ecological Literacy. Thus, in this study, we examined what incoming teachercandidates from various disciplinary backgrounds know about general concepts of Ecological Literacy, as the expectation is that all teachers should teach “environmental education” in whatever subject area they end up teaching. Specifically we wanted to determine how teacher-candidates would define and explain various concepts with the presumption that these are the same or similar definitions they would be using in their own classrooms when they become qualified teachers.
Keywords: ecological literacy, concept development, preservice teacher-candidates, ecological education, environmental education