Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 53-74 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.289a | Article Number: ijese.2016.005
Published Online: February 02, 2016
The science teaching program in Turkey is restated with the effect of constructivist approach and science textbooks are prepared in accordance with this new program. Furthermore, reflective diaries using many techniques have started to be used in the teaching process. Reflective diaries have also started to be used in science education. The basic purpose of this research was to determine whether the use of reflective diaries changes eighth grade secondary school students’ views towards the science course or not. The method used in this study was that of qualitative research. Also, phenomenology was used as the design of the study. Thirty eight students from a secondary school in Kayseri participated in this study. Data were collected by using document analysis and semi-structured interviews. Data were analyzed by using content analysis. Codes, themes, and categories were used during data analysis. The results were discussed by means of codes, themes, and categories. According to our findings, reflective diaries have changed participants’ views towards the science course positively. It was observed that all participants achieved meaningful learning on the stages of mitotic division and the importance of this division for organisms. The implications were discussed.
Keywords: meaningful learning, reflective diaries, phenomenology, science education, qualitative research, constructivism
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