Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 9469-9481 | Article Number: ijese.2016.670
Published Online: October 24, 2016
In this study, the purpose is examining the reviews released on augmented reality applications in education, merging the results obtained in the studies that are independent from each other, and providing a new viewpoint for the studies that will be conducted in the future. The meta-analysis method has been used in the study. 15 out of 171 reviews, whose effect size of the data may be calculated, and released between the years 2005 and 2015 have been included in the meta analytic effect size analysis. The reviews were intended to examine the efficiency of augmented reality applications in education and were selected after scanning the SCI and SSCI Indices. The names and the abstracts of the reviews were taken as bases in the classifying according to the target audience and subjects. It was determined as a conclusion in the study that the average effect size of the augmented reality applications in education was ES=0.677. In other words, it was determined that the applications performed by using the augmented reality technology in education had a positive effects on students, and that this effect was at medium level that could not be underestimated according to Thalheimer and Cook Classification. At the end of the study, the development of the augmented reality applications used in education, the missing points in present studies, and the new study areas are mentioned.
Keywords: Augmented reality, meta-analysis, education, effectiveness.
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