Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 587-602 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.402a | Article Number: ijese.2016.028
Published Online: April 18, 2016
This qualitative study was conducted with six senior student teachers in the field of science to examine the beliefs of student science teachers, their classroom practices, and the profile of their junior high science teachers and the professors in the education department. The data from this study were collected through individual interviews and observations as well as DASST-C. According to the findings of the study, five of the student teachers held to a conceptual model, one held to an exploratory mental model. When the junior high science teachers of these student science teachers were examined, it was found that four employed an explicit approach, one used a conceptual approach and one had an exploratory approach. When the views of the student teachers’ professors in the department of education were examined, most of the faculty members had a teacher-centered approach, but the most popular faculty members employed a student-centered approach. Therefore, we see that the beliefs of the student teachers about the learning-teaching process were passed on from their junior high science teachers and the professors in the education department.
Keywords: professors; science teachers; student science teachers; beliefs
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